∙ Shake-speare's Sonnet No. 76
∙ Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queen Poem by Ignoto
∙ Thomas Nashe's Epistle Dedicatorie in Strange Newes
∙ Ben Jonson's Poem to the Reader in the First Folio
∙ Thomas Thorpe's Preface to Shake-speare's Sonnets
∙ Leonard Digges' Eulogy to Shake-speare
∙ John Benson's Letter to the Reader of the Sonnets
∙ Shakespeare's Monument in Holy Trinity Church
∙ Shakespeare's Gravestone beneath the Monument

David L Roper studied mathematics, statistics and philosophy at the English Open University while engaged as a managing accountant for a publicly quoted company on London's Stock Exchange. After obtaining his honours degree he joined Kingston University to study teaching practice. Thereafter, becoming Head of Mathematics at a North London college. His two published papers on the correct dating of 'Titus Andronicus' and the inscription on the monument to Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon won wide acclaim, with lectures in London, and California as well as appearing on the German television channel WDR. His most recent book, 'How Science Proved Edward de Vere was William Shakespeare' is a companion to the peer-reviewed article that appeared in the 'Journal of Scientific Exploration in December 2017 (Vol.31 No. 4). It also expands and adds to this article to become a complete book in its own right. Previous to this latest evidence, concerning Shakespeare's identity, the author made a further ground-breaking discovery concerning a hitherto unrecognized property of the Binomial Theorem involving prime numbers. It proved to be the missing key to Pierre de Fermat's famous claim that he had proved that no two positive integers, each raised to an integer greater than two, are able to equal a positive integer raised to that same power. Without this key, Fermat's final theorem could only be proved by Sir Andrew Wiles' tortuous proof, constructed upon centuries of effort by preceding mathematicians. But with possession of the key, a far simpler proof can be constructed that concludes with Fermat's special method of proof by infinite descent.
David Roper is presently working on 'The Mind of God': a two volume edition that provides scientific evidence for re-assessing the philosophy of physics and its effect upon both biological and theological conclusions.